IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 2023

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Alankar Sharma (RFC 9377)
  • Albert Fu (RFC 9355)
  • Albert Kwon (RFC 9420)
  • Alexandr Sokolov (RFC 9367)
  • Alex Samonte (RFC 9411)
  • Amanda Baber (RFC 9121)
  • Andrew Atyeo (RFC 9397)
  • Angela Sara Cacciapuoti (RFC 9340)
  • Area Directors for their review (RFC 9388)
  • Armando Faz-Hernandez (RFC 9380)
  • Arun Prakash Achuthan (RFC 9394)
  • Atsushi Ooka (RFC 9344)
  • Balamuhunthan Balarajah (RFC 9411)
  • Brendan McMillion (RFC 9420)
  • Brian Monkman (RFC 9411)
  • Britta Hale (RFC 9420)
  • Bruno Rijsman (RFC 9340)
  • Carsten Bormann contributed to the CDDL specifications (RFC 9393)
  • Carsten Rossenhoevel (RFC 9411)
  • Cen Jung Tjhai (RFC 9370)
  • Change Liu (RFC 9375)
  • ChatGPT (RFC 9405)
  • Daniel Van Geest (RFC 9370)
  • Dan Voyer (RFC 9417)
  • David Wheeler (RFC 9397)
  • Derek Engi (RFC 9409)
  • Dimitrios Papadopoulos (RFC 9381)
  • Edgar Ramos (RFC 9391)
  • Ela Lee (RFC 9380)
  • Emad Omara (RFC 9420)
  • Eric Kinzie (RFC 9349)
  • feedback in improving this (RFC 9388)
  • Graham Bartlett (RFC 9370)
  • Gyan S. Mishra (RFC 9386)
  • Honglei Xu (RFC 9375)
  • Ivan Arce (RFC 9414)
  • Jan Včelák (RFC 9381)
  • Jean Quilbeuf (RFC 9417)
  • Jianqiang Hou (RFC 9354)
  • Joel Alwen (RFC 9420)
  • Joep Bernards (RFC 9402)
  • Jonathan Detchart (RFC 9407)
  • Jon Millican (RFC 9420)
  • Joost Maas (RFC 9402)
  • Katriel Cohn-Gordon (RFC 9420)
  • Kaustubh Inamdar (RFC 9409)
  • Koen De Schepper (RFC 9330)
  • Konrad Kohbrok (RFC 9420)
  • Lei Bo (RFC 9359)
  • Leonid Reyzin (RFC 9381)
  • Liu Dapeng (RFC 9397)
  • Luis Alves (RFC 9394)
  • Mani Panchanathan (RFC 9398)
  • Manoj Kumar (RFC 9376)
  • Marcello Caleffi (RFC 9340)
  • Marta Mularczyk (RFC 9420)
  • Martin Tomlinson (RFC 9370)
  • Mattia Basaglia (RFC 9402)
  • Matt Olson (RFC 9406)
  • Michael Rosenberg (RFC 9420)
  • Michale Wang (RFC 9375)
  • Michele Orru (RFC 9380)
  • Michelle Wetterwald (RFC 9365)
  • Ned Smith (RFC 9334)
  • Nils Mäurer (RFC 9372)
  • Nir B. Sopher (RFC 9388)
  • Paolo Fasano (RFC 9418)
  • Paolo Volpato (RFC 9386)
  • Qiufang Ma (RFC 9353)
  • Quan Xiong (RFC 9357)
  • Radha Valiveti (RFC 9376)
  • Rajesh M (RFC 9355)
  • Raphael Robert (RFC 9420)
  • Riad S. Wahby (RFC 9380)
  • Robert Hanzl (RFC 9352)
  • Rodney Van Meter (RFC 9340)
  • Sam Scott (RFC 9380)
  • Satoshi Toyosawa (RFC 9401)
  • Sébastien Lourdez (RFC 9386)
  • Shawn Zandi (RFC 9351)
  • Shota Nagayama (RFC 9340)
  • Sreekanth Narayanan (RFC 9409)
  • Srinivas Inguva (RFC 9420)
  • Stephanie Wehner (RFC 9340)
  • Tae (RFC 9365)
  • Thangavelu Arumugam (RFC 9417)
  • the IANA (RFC 9393)
  • Théophile Wallez (RFC 9420)
  • This document is a group work of the IPWAVE working group (RFC 9365)
  • This document would not be possible without the work of Moni Naor (RFC 9381)
  • Thomas Gräupl (RFC 9372)
  • Thomas Hardjono created initial versions of the terminology section (RFC 9334)
  • Thyla van der Merwe (RFC 9420)
  • Tim Taubert (RFC 9383)
  • Tom Leavy (RFC 9420)
  • Vikram Nagulakonda (RFC 9394)
  • Watson Ladd (RFC 9382)
  • Wojciech Kozlowski (RFC 9340)
  • Xiaojun Tang (RFC 9354)
  • Xun Shao (RFC 9344)
  • Yi Huang (RFC 9406)
  • Yiwen Chris Shen (RFC 9365)
  • Youssef El Fathi (RFC 9417)
  • Yuanbin Zhang (RFC 9376)
  • Yuhei Hayashi (RFC 9387)
  • Zhibo Hu (RFC 9352)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-15.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.