IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 2019

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Aanchal Malhotra (RFC 8573)
  • Alexis Tamas (RFC 8589)
  • Ambika Prasad Tripathy (RFC 8639)
  • Andrea Bittau (RFC 8547)
  • Andrew Mortensen (RFC 8612)
  • Andrey Chilikin (RFC 8592)
  • Anish Peter (RFC 8652)
  • Antoni Przygienda (RFC 8584)
  • Arjun Sreekantiah (RFC 8669)
  • Arthur David Olson (RFC 8536)
  • Balázs Varga (RFC 8655)
  • Benjamin Phister (RFC 8589)
  • Bert Greevenbosch (RFC 8610)
  • Bhavik Nagda (RFC 8688)
  • Bow-Nan Cheng (RFC 8629)
  • Brendan Ryan (RFC 8592)
  • Carsten Michel (RFC 8679)
  • Christopher A. Wood (RFC 8569)
  • Christoph Vigano (RFC 8610)
  • Craig Pratt (RFC 8673)
  • Dana Blair (RFC 8519)
  • Danian Shi (RFC 8542)
  • Daniel B. Giffin (RFC 8547)
  • Daniel Fox Franke (RFC 8645)
  • Daniel McCarney (RFC 8555)
  • Danny Moses (RFC 8653)
  • Darshak Thakore (RFC 8673)
  • Dave Dolson (RFC 8612)
  • David Mazieres (RFC 8547)
  • David Wiggins (RFC 8651)
  • Debashish Purkayastha (RFC 8677)
  • Denis Reilly (RFC 8633)
  • Dieter Sibold (RFC 8633)
  • Dirk Trossen (RFC 8677)
  • Dmitry Afanasiev (RFC 8670)
  • Edet Nkposong (RFC 8670)
  • Edmund Fokschaner (RFC 8565)
  • Einar Nilsen-Nygaard (RFC 8650)
  • Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva (RFC 8645)
  • Eric W. Smith (RFC 8547)
  • Erik C. Rye (RFC 8567)
  • Ethan Grossman (RFC 8578)
  • Evan Hunt (RFC 8482)
  • Faisal Iqbal (RFC 8690)
  • Feng Guo (RFC 8652)
  • Gaurav Dawra (RFC 8670)
  • Gaya Nagarajan (RFC 8670)
  • Geoffrey Bilder (RFC 8574)
  • Giridhar Mandyam (RFC 8627)
  • Guiqing Zhou (RFC 8543)
  • Gunter Van De Velde (RFC 8663)
  • Hamid Assarpour (RFC 8663)
  • Hans M.-H. Liu (RFC 8585)
  • Hao Wang (RFC 8676)
  • Harlan Stenn (RFC 8633)
  • Henk Birkholz (RFC 8610)
  • Hugo Landau (RFC 8657)
  • Ignacio Solis (RFC 8569)
  • Jacob Hoffman-Andrews (RFC 8555)
  • James Kasten (RFC 8555)
  • János Farkas (RFC 8655)
  • Jay Borkenhagen (RFC 8642)
  • Jean-Emmanuel Rodriguez (RFC 8589)
  • Jean-Jacques Trottin (RFC 8583)
  • Jeremy Whittaker (RFC 8537)
  • Jérôme Härri (RFC 8691)
  • Jiankang Yao (RFC 8544)
  • Jim Hague (RFC 8618)
  • Jinchun Xu (RFC 8575)
  • John Bond (RFC 8618)
  • John Kunze (RFC 8574)
  • Juho Snellman (RFC 8517)
  • Junkai Wei (RFC 8544)
  • Ketan Talaulikar (RFC 8510)
  • Kiran Nagaraj (RFC 8584)
  • Lakshmi Sharma (RFC 8664)
  • Lars Sonckin kaari 12 (RFC 8514)
  • Lilia Ahmetzyanova (RFC 8645)
  • Linhui Sun (RFC 8539)
  • Lisa Huang (RFC 8519)
  • Maksim Proshin (RFC 8540)
  • Manish Bhardwaj (RFC 8671)
  • Many thanks to Steve Crocker (RFC 8700)
  • Marc Mosko (RFC 8569)
  • Marek Majkowski (RFC 8482)
  • Marios Makassikis (RFC 8691)
  • Markus Stubbig (RFC 8522)
  • Michael Arnold (RFC 8599)
  • Michael Curcio (RFC 8554)
  • Michael Wang (RFC 8531)
  • Michelle Wetterwald contributed extensively to the MTU discussion (RFC 8691)
  • Miguel Angel Reina Ortega (RFC 8515)
  • Minto Jeyananth (RFC 8679)
  • Murray Kucherawy (RFC 8617)
  • Nabil Benamar (RFC 8691)
  • Nagendra Kumar Nainar (RFC 8690)
  • Neil Jenkins (RFC 8621)
  • Nick Sullivan (RFC 8586)
  • Olivier Dugeon (RFC 8694)
  • Oscar Garcia-Morchon (RFC 8576)
  • Óscar González de Dios (RFC 8694)
  • Paola Iovanna (RFC 8597)
  • Pedro Aranda (RFC 8568)
  • Penghui Mi (RFC 8671)
  • Pete McAllister (RFC 8652)
  • Peter Deacon (RFC 8658)
  • Pierre Lynch (RFC 8568)
  • Quinn Slack (RFC 8548)
  • Ravi Singh (RFC 8614)
  • recognize them for their contributions. (RFC 8592)
  • Richard Foote (RFC 8545)
  • Robert Beverly (RFC 8567)
  • Rodney Cummings (RFC 8575)
  • Roger Carney (RFC 8605)
  • Romain Kuntz contributed extensively regarding IPv6 handovers between (RFC 8691)
  • Rong Gu (RFC 8549)
  • Rory Browne (RFC 8592)
  • Saikat Ray (RFC 8669)
  • Satya Mohanty (RFC 8584)
  • Scott Pope (RFC 8600)
  • Senthil Sathappan (RFC 8584)
  • Sergio Figueiredo (RFC 8653)
  • Sergio Mena (RFC 8593)
  • Serpil Bayraktar (RFC 8642)
  • Seth Blank (RFC 8617)
  • Shaowen Ma (RFC 8663)
  • Sharon Goldberg (RFC 8573)
  • Shay Gueron (RFC 8452)
  • Shu Yang (RFC 8638)
  • Simeon Warner (RFC 8574)
  • Sladjana Zechlin (RFC 8676)
  • Sonal Agarwal (RFC 8519)
  • Srihari Raghavan (RFC 8532)
  • Stefan Vallin (RFC 8632)
  • Stephen Ludin (RFC 8586)
  • Stuart Brandt (RFC 8508)
  • Syam Appala (RFC 8600)
  • Syed Hassan (RFC 8663)
  • Tejal Parikh (RFC 8577)
  • Thanks to Acee Lindem for his substantial contribution to the content (RFC 8666)
  • thank them (RFC 8592)
  • The idea of having some way to combine schemas from different YANG (RFC 8528)
  • Thierry ERNST (RFC 8691)
  • Thomas Stach (RFC 8643)
  • Tim Evens (RFC 8671)
  • Tim Laberge (RFC 8670)
  • Vinod Prabhu (RFC 8584)
  • Wen Lin (RFC 8584)
  • Wim Hendrickx (RFC 8662)
  • Xian Liu (RFC 8575)
  • Xiaoqing Zhu (RFC 8593)
  • Yehuda Lindell (RFC 8452)
  • Yisong Liu (RFC 8652)
  • Yuval Lifshitz (RFC 8506)
  • ZiLong Liu (RFC 8658)
  • ƒ‘好棉 (RFC 8694)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-26.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.