IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 2018

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Ahmed Bashandy (RFC 8402)
  • Alessandro Capello (RFC 8321)
  • Alexander Brotman (RFC 8460)
  • Amit Dass (RFC 8431)
  • Anders Jonasson (RFC 8364)
  • Andreas Huelsing (RFC 8391)
  • Andrew McGregor (RFC 8289)
  • An Nguyen (RFC 8443)
  • Anton Basil (RFC 8455)
  • Antonia Masucci (RFC 8406)
  • Athanasios Kyparlis (RFC 8347)
  • Autumn Liu (RFC 8424)
  • Aziz Mohaisen (RFC 8391)
  • Benjamin Beurdouche (RFC 8446)
  • Bhuvaneswaran Vengainathan (RFC 8455)
  • Bilhanan Silverajan (RFC 8323)
  • Binu Ramakrishnan (RFC 8460)
  • Bin Wen (RFC 8395)
  • Bin Yeong Yoon (RFC 8454)
  • Boris Zhang (RFC 8424)
  • Brandon Long (RFC 8461)
  • Bron Gondwana (RFC 8440)
  • Carlos M. Martinez (RFC 8360)
  • Chandra Ramachandran (RFC 8426)
  • Charles Schmidt (RFC 8412)
  • Chris Adams (RFC 8493)
  • Chris Coffin (RFC 8412)
  • Chris Lenart (RFC 8335)
  • Chris Wendt (RFC 8224)
  • Daniela Spreafico (RFC 8432)
  • Daniel Haynes (RFC 8412)
  • Daniel Margolis (RFC 8460)
  • Daniel Shaw (RFC 8360)
  • Dave Taht (RFC 8290)
  • David Benjamin (RFC 8446)
  • David Dolson (RFC 8459)
  • David Hayes (RFC 8382)
  • David Mandelberg (RFC 8416)
  • David Wilson (RFC 8494)
  • Denis Butin (RFC 8391)
  • Diego Lopez (RFC 8453)
  • Dirk Balfanz (RFC 8471)
  • Dirk Goethals (RFC 8362)
  • Dong Liu (RFC 8483)
  • Dongxin Liu (RFC 8397)
  • Ebben Aries (RFC 8370)
  • Edward Lopez (RFC 8329)
  • Emmanuel Lochin (RFC 8406)
  • Eric Dumazet (RFC 8290)
  • Eric Iceman (RFC 8457)
  • Eric Lent (RFC 8395)
  • Erik Nygren (RFC 8336)
  • Fabian Weisshaar (RFC 8386)
  • Fengman Xu (RFC 8424)
  • Frank Fitzek (RFC 8406)
  • Gavin Brown (RFC 8334)
  • Giuseppe Fioccola (RFC 8321)
  • Goiuri Peralta (RFC 8406)
  • Gunnar Hellstrom deserves special mention for his reviews and (RFC 8373)
  • Hariharan Ananthakrishnan (RFC 8345)
  • Harish Sitaraman (RFC 8426)
  • Heidi-Maria Back (RFC 8387)
  • Hiroshi Tsunoda (RFC 8502)
  • Hui Tian (RFC 8352)
  • Ian A. Young (RFC 8409)
  • Igor Milojevic (RFC 8402)
  • Injong Rhee (RFC 8312)
  • Ippei Akiyoshi (RFC 8432)
  • James P. Weaver (RFC 8450)
  • Janet Jones (RFC 8460)
  • Jan Skoglund (RFC 8486)
  • Jeferson Campos Nobre (RFC 8316)
  • Jeffrey (RFC 8401)
  • Jen Linkova (RFC 8335)
  • Jens T. Petersen (RFC 8352)
  • Jerome Henry (RFC 8325)
  • Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay (RFC 8412)
  • Jim Uttaro (RFC 8317)
  • Joao Silva Damas (RFC 8509)
  • John Brzozowski (RFC 8354)
  • John Leddy (RFC 8354)
  • John P. Field (RFC 8322)
  • John Scancella (RFC 8493)
  • Jonas Ahlberg (RFC 8432)
  • Jon Hardwick (RFC 8408)
  • Joost Rijneveld (RFC 8391)
  • Jose Liste (RFC 8395)
  • Jose Yallouz (RFC 8367)
  • Josu Bilbao (RFC 8406)
  • Justin Littman (RFC 8493)
  • Kal Feher (RFC 8495)
  • Kerry Meyer (RFC 8487)
  • Klaus Umbach (RFC 8461)
  • Koji Kawada (RFC 8432)
  • Kristian Hiorth (RFC 8382)
  • Laetitia Baudoin (RFC 8460)
  • Lars Sonckin Kaari 12 (RFC 8438)
  • Linjian Song (RFC 8483)
  • Lisandro Zambenedetti Granvile (RFC 8316)
  • Lisong Xu (RFC 8312)
  • Lixing Wang (RFC 8431)
  • Liz Madden (RFC 8493)
  • Luca Castaldelli (RFC 8321)
  • Luis Contreras (RFC 8432)
  • Mahesh Sivakumar (RFC 8556)
  • Manuel Pegourie-Gonnard (RFC 8422)
  • Marko Vaupotic (RFC 8432)
  • Mark Risher (RFC 8460)
  • Mark Tassinari (RFC 8455)
  • Markus Laber (RFC 8461)
  • Massimiliano Stucchi (RFC 8475)
  • Matt Griswold (RFC 8327)
  • Matthias Kovatsch (RFC 8352)
  • Mauro Cociglio (RFC 8321)
  • Maxim Klyus (RFC 8328)
  • Michael Baeuerle (RFC 8315)
  • Michael Brig (RFC 8364)
  • Michael Faath (RFC 8386)
  • Michael Graczyk (RFC 8486)
  • Min Ye (RFC 8330)
  • Mohan Nanduri (RFC 8379)
  • Mohit Sethi (RFC 8387)
  • More people contributed to the data model presented in this paper (RFC 8345)
  • Morten V. Pedersen (RFC 8406)
  • MUST check the web page@the URL listed above in case there is a (RFC 8407)
  • Nan Meng (RFC 8400)
  • Natasha Rooney (RFC 8462)
  • Nick Harper (RFC 8473)
  • Nicolas Lidzborski (RFC 8461)
  • Ori Gerstel (RFC 8390)
  • Parag Jain (RFC 8339)
  • Paresh Saxena (RFC 8406)
  • Paul McKenney (RFC 8290)
  • Percy S. Tarapore (RFC 8313)
  • Pierre Francois contributed to the writing of the first draft version (RFC 8355)
  • Prejeeth Kaladharan (RFC 8400)
  • Qin Wang (RFC 8480)
  • Ravi Parikh (RFC 8347)
  • Ray P. Singh (RFC 8443)
  • Rick Andrews (RFC 8411)
  • Robert Sayko (RFC 8313)
  • Robert Wilton (RFC 8342)
  • Roozbeh Atarius (RFC 8464)
  • R. Shekhar (RFC 8365)
  • Ruediger Kunze (RFC 8390)
  • Saku Ytti (RFC 8402)
  • Samah A. M. Ghanem (RFC 8406)
  • Sam K Aldrin (RFC 8556)
  • Sangtae Ha (RFC 8312)
  • Scott Cantor (RFC 8409)
  • Senad Palislamovic (RFC 8388)
  • Shane Kerr (RFC 8483)
  • Shunsuke Homma (RFC 8459)
  • Simone Ferlin (RFC 8382)
  • Simon Lemay (RFC 8323)
  • S. Kingston Smiler (RFC 8385)
  • S. Salam (RFC 8365)
  • Stefan-Lukas Gazdag (RFC 8391)
  • Stephen A. Banghart (RFC 8322)
  • Sudharsana Venkataraman (RFC 8426)
  • This document would not have been possible without contributions by (RFC 8458)
  • Timothy Winters (RFC 8415)
  • Tim Szigeti (RFC 8325)
  • Ting Liao (RFC 8384)
  • Toke Hoeiland-Joergensen (RFC 8290)
  • Tolga Asveren (RFC 8496)
  • Tom Jones (RFC 8304)
  • Valik Solorzano Barboza (RFC 8323)
  • Vic Liu (RFC 8400)
  • Vinayak Hegde (RFC 8468)
  • WeeSan Lee (RFC 8487)
  • Wei Chuang (RFC 8461)
  • Weihaw Chuang (RFC 8398)
  • Weijun Wang (RFC 8353)
  • Will Hargrave (RFC 8327)
  • Will Liu (RFC 8309)
  • Wil Tan (RFC 8334)
  • Xi Li (RFC 8432)
  • Yann Collet (RFC 8478)
  • Yan Zhuang (RFC 8413)
  • Ying Cheng (RFC 8328)
  • Yuji Tochio (RFC 8390)
  • Zekun He (RFC 8431)
  • Zhaohui (RFC 8502)
  • Zongpeng Du (RFC 8350)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-26.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.