IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 2015

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Abhishek Chauhan (RFC 7498)
  • Aeneas Noble (RFC 7651)
  • Aidan Murdock (RFC 7467)
  • Alan Luchuk (RFC 7589)
  • Albert Tian (RFC 7602)
  • Alec Muffett (RFC 7686)
  • Alejandro Perez-Mendez (RFC 7499)
  • Alessio Giorgetti (RFC 7689)
  • Alexandre Petrescu (RFC 7629)
  • Alfredo Pironti (RFC 7568)
  • Anders Gavler (RFC 7446)
  • Andre Pelletier (RFC 7552)
  • Angel Lozano (RFC 7416)
  • Anthony Nadalin (RFC 7642)
  • Antoine Delignat-Lavaud (RFC 7627)
  • Antonella Molinaro (RFC 7476)
  • Antonio Marcos Moreiras (RFC 7703)
  • Apoorva Karan (RFC 7431)
  • Arno Bakker (RFC 7574)
  • Arturo Servin (RFC 7485)
  • Axel Clauberg (RFC 7596)
  • Benjamin Kaduk (RFC 7546)
  • Benjamin Paterson (RFC 7695)
  • Ben Wright (RFC 7570)
  • Bhumip Khasnabish (RFC 7729)
  • Brad McConnell (RFC 7498)
  • Brandon Williams (RFC 7620)
  • Brian Dickson (RFC 7535)
  • Brian J. Wilson (RFC 7709)
  • Bruce Nordman (RFC 7603)
  • Bruno Chatras (RFC 7620)
  • Byron J. Ellacott (RFC 7480)
  • Carol Davids (RFC 7501)
  • Chait Tumuluri (RFC 7637)
  • Charles Lever (RFC 7532)
  • Chris Evans (RFC 7469)
  • Chris Palmer (RFC 7469)
  • Christoph Paasch (RFC 7430)
  • Chuck Mortimore (RFC 7521)
  • Chunju Shao (RFC 7494)
  • Constantinos Kassimis (RFC 7609)
  • Cui Wang (RFC 7716)
  • Daniel Borkmann (RFC 7624)
  • Daniel Corujo (RFC 7476)
  • Daniel Migault (RFC 7558)
  • Dante J. Pacella (RFC 7716)
  • Dan York (RFC 7649)
  • Darren J. Moffat (RFC 7512)
  • Dave Michaud (RFC 7445)
  • Dave Mitchell (RFC 7682)
  • David Ahrens (RFC 7616)
  • David P. Quigley (RFC 7569)
  • David Waltermire (RFC 7632)
  • Deepak Kukrety (RFC 7653)
  • Deepak Kumar (RFC 7455)
  • ( (RFC 7556)
  • Diego R. Lopez (RFC 7499)
  • Dmitry Anipko (RFC 7556)
  • D. Thakore (RFC 7562)
  • Dushyant Raghuvanshi (RFC 7653)
  • earlier versions of this specification (RFC 7450)
  • Edwin Cordeiro (RFC 7703)
  • Eli Dart (RFC 7527)
  • Elizabeth Zwicky (RFC 7489)
  • Emma Zhang (RFC 7717)
  • Eric C Rosen (RFC 7524)
  • Erik Wahlstroem (RFC 7643)
  • Eve Varma (RFC 7698)
  • Fan Yang (RFC 7551)
  • Fei Zhang (RFC 7551)
  • Fernando Pereniguez-Garcia (RFC 7499)
  • Florin Baboescu (RFC 7651)
  • Frode Sorensen (RFC 7536)
  • Gabriele M Galimberti (RFC 7581)
  • Gabriel Lopez-Millan (RFC 7499)
  • Gareth Tyson (RFC 7476)
  • Geir A. Sandbakken (RFC 7701)
  • Geng Lin (RFC 7637)
  • Gennaro Boggia (RFC 7476)
  • George Clapp (RFC 7709)
  • Gert Doering (RFC 7454)
  • Gery Czirjak (RFC 7654)
  • Gregory Bumgardner (RFC 7450)
  • Gregory Yakushev (RFC 7529)
  • Guang Yao (RFC 7513)
  • Guoliang Han (RFC 7597)
  • H Anthony Chan (RFC 7429)
  • have provided review (RFC 7498)
  • Heather Schiller (RFC 7607)
  • Herve Ruellan (RFC 7541)
  • Hiroaki Harai (RFC 7689)
  • Hirochika Asai (RFC 7666)
  • Iftekhar Hussain (RFC 7698)
  • Ilango Ganga (RFC 7637)
  • Ilan Yerushalmi (RFC 7586)
  • Irene Grosclaude (RFC 7524)
  • Ivan Pepelnjak (RFC 7454)
  • Jacob Appelbaum (RFC 7686)
  • Jaime Jimenez (RFC 7650)
  • Jan Pechanec (RFC 7512)
  • Jarrett Lu (RFC 7569)
  • Jason Schiller (RFC 7716)
  • Jean-Philippe Aumasson (RFC 7693)
  • Jerome Durand (RFC 7454)
  • Jerry Stevens (RFC 7609)
  • JiangTao Hao (RFC 7625)
  • Jianrui Han (RFC 7579)
  • Joel Snyder (RFC 7427)
  • Johanna Nieminen (RFC 7668)
  • John Bradley (RFC 7591)
  • John Dickinson (RFC 7583)
  • John Kaippallimalil (RFC 7561)
  • John Malyar (RFC 7545)
  • Jonathan Piesing (RFC 7528)
  • Jose M. Lopez-Vega (RFC 7650)
  • Julian Spittka (RFC 7587)
  • Justin Richer (RFC 7591)
  • Justin Uberti (RFC 7635)
  • Kanji Kerai (RFC 7668)
  • Kannan KV Sampath (RFC 7453)
  • Karthikeyan Bhargavan (RFC 7627)
  • Karthik Subramanian (RFC 7716)
  • Keiichi Shima (RFC 7666)
  • Kelly Grizzle (RFC 7643)
  • Ken Gray (RFC 7498)
  • Kepeng LI (RFC 7642)
  • Kerry Lynn (RFC 7558)
  • Kevin Glavin (RFC 7498)
  • Lars-Johan Liman (RFC 7720)
  • Laurent CAILLEUX (RFC 7508)
  • Laurent-Walter Goix (RFC 7566)
  • Lei Liu (RFC 7698)
  • Lei Miao (RFC 7655)
  • Lei Zhu (RFC 7545)
  • Lenny Giuliano (RFC 7716)
  • Lin Guo (RFC 7689)
  • Linlin Zhou (RFC 7485)
  • Lionel Hoffmann (RFC 7596)
  • ( (RFC 7556)
  • Luigi Alfredo Grieco (RFC 7554)
  • Lyle Bertz (RFC 7660)
  • Maciej Machulak (RFC 7591)
  • Margaret Cullen (RFC 7652)
  • ( (RFC 7556)
  • Maria Rita Palattella (RFC 7554)
  • Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen (RFC 7693)
  • Mark Pearson (RFC 7637)
  • Martin Duke (RFC 7414)
  • Matthew Luckie (RFC 7514)
  • Matthew Miller (RFC 7520)
  • Maximilian Wilhelm (RFC 7511)
  • Michael MacFaden (RFC 7666)
  • Michael Smith (RFC 7498)
  • Michael Sweet (RFC 7472)
  • Mike Belshe (RFC 7540)
  • Mike Fox (RFC 7609)
  • Ming Chen (RFC 7580)
  • Mohsen Soroushnejad (RFC 7463)
  • Murari Sridharan (RFC 7637)
  • Nagendra Kumar (RFC 7439)
  • Naibao Zhou (RFC 7494)
  • Narasimhan Venkataramiah (RFC 7637)
  • Narelle Clark (RFC 7704)
  • Nat Sakimura (RFC 7515)
  • Naveen Agarwal (RFC 7636)
  • Navindra Yadav (RFC 7498)
  • Nic Leymann (RFC 7498)
  • Nicola Andriolli (RFC 7689)
  • Ning Kong (RFC 7480)
  • Ning So (RFC 7490)
  • Noboru Harada (RFC 7655)
  • Norman Finn (RFC 7455)
  • of BGP documents are also reminded to review the discussion of (RFC 7606)
  • of the protocol (RFC 7450)
  • Oscar Gonzalez de Dios (RFC 7449)
  • Pankaj Garg (RFC 7637)
  • Patrick Harding (RFC 7644)
  • Patrick Masotta (RFC 7440)
  • Paul Ebersman (RFC 7710)
  • Paul Quinn (RFC 7498)
  • Philip M. Williams (RFC 7415)
  • Philipp Hancke (RFC 7712)
  • Pierre Pfister (RFC 7695)
  • Pontus Skoldstrom (RFC 7487)
  • Prashanth Patil (RFC 7635)
  • Praveen Maheshwari (RFC 7625)
  • Protocols that use POSH are expected to register with the POSH (RFC 7711)
  • Qilei Wang (RFC 7698)
  • Qiong Sun (RFC 7618)
  • Raffaello Secchi (RFC 7661)
  • Rajeev Manur (RFC 7498)
  • Rakesh Gandhi (RFC 7551)
  • Ralf Weber (RFC 7646)
  • Ralph Holz (RFC 7457)
  • Ramdas Machat (RFC 7654)
  • Ram (RFC 7640)
  • Rao Rajan (RFC 7579)
  • Ravi Valmikam (RFC 7458)
  • Remi Theillaud (RFC 7579)
  • Riccardo Petrocco (RFC 7574)
  • Richard Li (RFC 7442)
  • Rigo Wenning (RFC 7687)
  • River Huang (RFC 7625)
  • Roberto Peon (RFC 7540)
  • Rob Shakir (RFC 7684)
  • Rodrigo Carnier (RFC 7703)
  • Roland (RFC 7462)
  • roles -- an array of strings (RFC 7483)
  • Rong Zhang (RFC 7494)
  • Ryan Sleevi (RFC 7469)
  • Sam Crawford (RFC 7398)
  • Samir Saad (RFC 7524)
  • Samuel Erdtman (RFC 7644)
  • Sanjay Khanna (RFC 7424)
  • Sarah Banks (RFC 7654)
  • Saul Ibarra Corretge (RFC 7702)
  • Sean Leonard (RFC 7468)
  • Shunwan Zhuang (RFC 7716)
  • Sophie Bremer (RFC 7616)
  • specific order) Alper Yegin (RFC 7556)
  • Srinivasa Kanduru (RFC 7629)
  • Stefan Hakansson (RFC 7478)
  • Stef Walter (RFC 7512)
  • Steinthor Bjarnason (RFC 7575)
  • Stephane Bortzmeyer (RFC 7626)
  • Stephen Morris (RFC 7583)
  • Steve Balls (RFC 7570)
  • Steve Sheng (RFC 7710)
  • Sugang Xu (RFC 7689)
  • Surendra Kumar (RFC 7498)
  • Suyong Eum (RFC 7476)
  • Takeshi Yoshino (RFC 7692)
  • ( (RFC 7556)
  • Tetsuya Murakami (RFC 7597)
  • their last names. (RFC 7510)
  • The people listed here deserve special mention Ali Begen (RFC 7655)
  • Thijs Alkemade (RFC 7590)
  • This document describes how to use DANE with application protocols in (RFC 7673)
  • This document draws heavily from draft-das-paws-protocol and (RFC 7545)
  • This document is the result of the IETF Softwire MAP design team (RFC 7597)
  • This document results from the merger of two initial proposals. (RFC 7460)
  • This work would have never been possible without the fruitful (RFC 7701)
  • Thomas Zeng (RFC 7604)
  • Tomasz Wolniewicz (RFC 7593)
  • Tzeta Tsao (RFC 7416)
  • Ulrich Herberg contributed Section 4.9 (RFC 7548)
  • Uma Chunduri (RFC 7602)
  • Uwe Joorde (RFC 7438)
  • Vanesa Daza (RFC 7416)
  • Venkatesh Venkataramanan (RFC 7463)
  • Victor Grishchenko (RFC 7574)
  • Victor Lopez (RFC 7491)
  • Vincent Chen (RFC 7545)
  • Vince Park (RFC 7629)
  • Vishnu Shukla (RFC 7709)
  • Vizdal Ales (RFC 7445)
  • Weilian Jiang (RFC 7551)
  • Wei Meng (RFC 7716)
  • Wentao Shang (RFC 7597)
  • William Mills (RFC 7628)
  • Xian Zhang (RFC 7698)
  • Xihua Fu (RFC 7698)
  • Xinpeng Wei (RFC 7545)
  • Yabin Ye (RFC 7580)
  • Yang Cui (RFC 7717)
  • Yao Li (RFC 7698)
  • ( (RFC 7556)
  • Yifan Chen (RFC 7494)
  • Yosuke Tanaka (RFC 7491)
  • Youval Nachum (RFC 7586)
  • Yuefeng Ji (RFC 7689)
  • Yuji Sekiya (RFC 7666)
  • Yunbin Xu (RFC 7580)
  • Yu Zhai (RFC 7597)
  • Zhang Fei (RFC 7699)
  • Zhenbin Li (RFC 7510)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-26.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.