IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 1999

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • A. Faizi (RFC 2518)
  • Alan Poppitt (RFC 2729)
  • Albert Lunde (RFC 2635)
  • Alden Jackson (RFC 2711)
  • Aliza R. Panitz (RFC 2606)
  • Allan M. Schiffman (RFC 2659)
  • Allan Rubens (RFC 2661)
  • Ambarish Malpani (RFC 2560)
  • Amy Tracy Wells (RFC 2664)
  • a) NAME _____________________________________________________ (RFC 2656)
  • Andrew Dugan (RFC 2705)
  • Andrew J. Valencia (RFC 2661)
  • Andrew Smith (RFC 2668)
  • Andy Herron (RFC 2696)
  • An Example Registration Form (RFC 2656)
  • Angelos D. Keromytis (RFC 2704)
  • Anil Prasad (RFC 2512)
  • Anil Rijhsinghani (RFC 2674)
  • Anoop Anantha (RFC 2696)
  • Anwar Elwalid (RFC 2682)
  • Ariel Orda (RFC 2676)
  • Ari Medvinsky (RFC 2712)
  • Baiju V. Patel (RFC 2730)
  • Barbara A. Fox (RFC 2735)
  • Bernhard Petri (RFC 2735)
  • Bernie Volz (RFC 2525)
  • Bertrand Buclin (RFC 2546)
  • Bill Curtin (RFC 2640)
  • Bill Frantz (RFC 2693)
  • Bill Lahaye (RFC 2613)
  • Bill Palter (RFC 2661)
  • Bjorn Nordgren (RFC 2507)
  • Bob Briscoe (RFC 2729)
  • Bob Pentecost (RFC 2708)
  • Brian Haberman (RFC 2710)
  • Brian Thomas (RFC 2693)
  • Bruce Greenblatt (RFC 2649)
  • Bryan Gleeson (RFC 2685)
  • Butler Lampson (RFC 2693)
  • Carl M. Ellison (RFC 2692)
  • Carl-Uno Manros (RFC 2639)
  • Carol Orange (RFC 2650)
  • c) ATTRIBUTE Description ____________________________________ (RFC 2656)
  • Chip Sharp (RFC 2719)
  • Christina Bouwens (RFC 2502)
  • Christopher Allen (RFC 2246)
  • Ciaran Clissmann (RFC 2552)
  • Cyndi Jung (RFC 2529)
  • Daniel O. Awduche (RFC 2702)
  • Daniel R. Glover (RFC 2488)
  • Dan Simone (RFC 2516)
  • Dan Simon (RFC 2716)
  • Dan Zigmond (RFC 2718)
  • Darren Hardy (RFC 2655)
  • Dave Hamilton (RFC 2641)
  • Dave Ruffen (RFC 2641)
  • Dave Solo (RFC 2511)
  • David Carrel (RFC 2516)
  • David Fowler (RFC 2494)
  • David Horton (RFC 2520)
  • David Kemp (RFC 2511)
  • David Kessens (RFC 2622)
  • David Newman (RFC 2647)
  • David Partain (RFC 2570)
  • David Perkins (RFC 2578)
  • David Putzolu (RFC 2688)
  • David Solo (RFC 2459)
  • Debby M. Wallner (RFC 2627)
  • Dennis Ferguson (RFC 2740)
  • Dirk-Willem van Gulik (RFC 2611)
  • D. Jensen (RFC 2518)
  • E. James E. Whitehead (RFC 2518)
  • Eric J. Harder (RFC 2627)
  • Eric Rescorla (RFC 2659)
  • Ethan Mickey Spiegel (RFC 2514)
  • Eve Schooler (RFC 2543)
  • Faye Ly (RFC 2662)
  • Gang Duan (RFC 2490)
  • George Apostolopoulos (RFC 2676)
  • George Tsirtsis (RFC 2694)
  • Geraldine Harter (RFC 2491)
  • Graham Klyne (RFC 2738)
  • Gregory Bathrick (RFC 2662)
  • Gunnar Lindberg (RFC 2505)
  • Hanns Juergen Schwarzbauer (RFC 2719)
  • Harrie Hazewinkel (RFC 2594)
  • Harry Lewis (RFC 2707)
  • Haui-an Paul Lin (RFC 2719)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki (RFC 2520)
  • Hoon Nah (RFC 2490)
  • Ian Heavens (RFC 2525)
  • Ian King (RFC 2717)
  • Ian Rytina (RFC 2719)
  • Ignatios Souvatzis (RFC 2497)
  • Imre Juhasz (RFC 2719)
  • Indra Widjaja (RFC 2682)
  • Isaac Elliott (RFC 2705)
  • James Gettys (RFC 2616)
  • James Kempf (RFC 2609)
  • James Salsman (RFC 2586)
  • Janos Zsako (RFC 2726)
  • Jay Martin (RFC 2569)
  • Jeff Evarts (RFC 2516)
  • Jeff Gilchrist (RFC 2612)
  • Jeff Mogul (RFC 2550)
  • Jeff R. Allen (RFC 2651)
  • Jeff Semke (RFC 2525)
  • Jeff Taarud (RFC 2637)
  • Jiemei Ma (RFC 2490)
  • Jim Griner (RFC 2525)
  • Jim McManus (RFC 2702)
  • Joachim Schmitz (RFC 2650)
  • Joan Cucchiara (RFC 2677)
  • Joan Feigenbaum (RFC 2704)
  • Joe Malcolm (RFC 2702)
  • Johnson Agogbua (RFC 2702)
  • John W. Stewart (RFC 2519)
  • Jonathan Rosenberg (RFC 2733)
  • Joseph Macker (RFC 2501)
  • Judy Yanacek (RFC 2643)
  • Juergen Quittek (RFC 2593)
  • Juergen Schoenwaelder (RFC 2578)
  • Ken Whistler (RFC 2482)
  • Kevin Lahey (RFC 2525)
  • Kurt Lidl (RFC 2516)
  • Kyle J. McKay (RFC 2658)
  • Laura Kane (RFC 2642)
  • Lava K. Lavu (RFC 2490)
  • Les Bell (RFC 2674)
  • Lode Coene (RFC 2719)
  • Lorna Leong (RFC 2504)
  • Louis Mamakos (RFC 2516)
  • Luis A. Sanchez (RFC 2488)
  • Lyndon Ong (RFC 2719)
  • Mark Beadles (RFC 2486)
  • Mark H Needleman (RFC 2503)
  • Mark Manasse (RFC 2550)
  • Mark Townsley (RFC 2661)
  • Markus Jork (RFC 2491)
  • Martin Mueller (RFC 2590)
  • Mathias Engan (RFC 2509)
  • Matt Blaze (RFC 2704)
  • Matthew Hur (RFC 2712)
  • Matthew J. Zekauskas (RFC 2679)
  • Matt Holdrege (RFC 2663)
  • Mauricio Arango (RFC 2705)
  • Mic Bowman (RFC 2655)
  • Michael Day (RFC 2608)
  • Michael Myers (RFC 2560)
  • Michael Myjak (RFC 2502)
  • Michael Noto (RFC 2514)
  • Miguel A. Garcia-Martin (RFC 2719)
  • Mikael Degermark (RFC 2507)
  • Mike Davison (RFC 2601)
  • Mike Eisler (RFC 2623)
  • Mike Schwartz (RFC 2655)
  • Mikhail Bessonov (RFC 2552)
  • Mikhail Blinov (RFC 2552)
  • M. Scott Corson (RFC 2501)
  • Munil Shah (RFC 2730)
  • Murali Rajagopal (RFC 2625)
  • Nick Shelness (RFC 2557)
  • Norm Jacobs (RFC 2569)
  • Olafur Gudmundsson (RFC 2538)
  • Pat Richard (RFC 2649)
  • Patrick Powell (RFC 2566)
  • Patrick Richard (RFC 2559)
  • Paul Moore (RFC 2565)
  • Pedro Marques (RFC 2545)
  • Peter Bagnall (RFC 2729)
  • Peter Johansson (RFC 2734)
  • Peter Schulter (RFC 2491)
  • Praveen Akkiraju (RFC 2694)
  • Raj Bhagwat (RFC 2625)
  • Randy Turner (RFC 2565)
  • Ravi Malghan (RFC 2490)
  • Renato Iannella (RFC 2611)
  • Rich Ankney (RFC 2560)
  • Richard Waterman (RFC 2613)
  • Rich Petke (RFC 2717)
  • Robert Herriot (RFC 2565)
  • Roger deBry (RFC 2566)
  • Ron Bergman (RFC 2707)
  • Rosanna Lee (RFC 2713)
  • Ross Wheeler (RFC 2516)
  • Russ Mundy (RFC 2570)
  • Ruston Panabaker (RFC 2728)
  • Ruth Moulton (RFC 2503)
  • Ryan C. Agee (RFC 2627)
  • Ryan Troll (RFC 2563)
  • Sanjay Kamat (RFC 2676)
  • Santosh Chokhani (RFC 2527)
  • Scott A. Isaacson (RFC 2566)
  • Scott Lawrence (RFC 2617)
  • Scott Pickett (RFC 2705)
  • Scott Seligman (RFC 2713)
  • Sharon Boeyen (RFC 2559)
  • Sig Handelman (RFC 2724)
  • Simon Wegerif (RFC 2728)
  • Slava Galperin (RFC 2560)
  • Spencer Shepler (RFC 2624)
  • S. R. Carter (RFC 2518)
  • Stephen Farrell (RFC 2510)
  • Stephen Pink (RFC 2507)
  • Stephen R. Hanna (RFC 2730)
  • Stephen Stibler (RFC 2724)
  • Steve Drach (RFC 2485)
  • Steve Glassman (RFC 2550)
  • Sunil Kalidindi (RFC 2679)
  • Sylvan Butler (RFC 2565)
  • Tatu Ylonen (RFC 2693)
  • Ted Goldstein (RFC 2706)
  • Ted Hardie (RFC 2655)
  • Ted Len (RFC 2643)
  • Tim Dierks (RFC 2246)
  • Tim Polk (RFC 2459)
  • Tom Hastings (RFC 2566)
  • Tom Henderson (RFC 2582)
  • Valery Smyslov (RFC 2628)
  • Vincent Ryan (RFC 2713)
  • W. Andrew Little (RFC 2637)
  • Warwick Ford (RFC 2459)
  • Wayne Rickard (RFC 2625)
  • Wedge Greene (RFC 2512)
  • William Verthein (RFC 2637)
  • Yoram Yaacovi (RFC 2589)
  • Y. Y. Goland (RFC 2518)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-15.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.