IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 1995

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Alain Durand (RFC 1846)
  • Alan Bartky (RFC 1795)
  • Alan Young (RFC 1798)
  • Alex Conta (RFC 1885)
  • Andy Harvey (RFC 1841)
  • Art Harkin (RFC 1782)
  • Aviel D. Rubin (RFC 1805)
  • Bent Jensen (RFC 1841)
  • Bill Hancock (RFC 1882)
  • Brent Callaghan (RFC 1761)
  • Brian Pawlowski (RFC 1813)
  • Bruce Davie (RFC 1821)
  • Charles Graff (RFC 1770)
  • Cui-Qing Yang (RFC 1789)
  • Dan Grossman (RFC 1755)
  • Daniel W. Connolly (RFC 1866)
  • Dat Duong (RFC 1819)
  • Dave Coli (RFC 1841)
  • Ed Levinson (RFC 1874)
  • Edward Levinson (RFC 1872)
  • Eric Hoffman (RFC 1755)
  • Eric S. Crawley (RFC 1821)
  • Ernesto Nebel (RFC 1867)
  • F.D. Wright (RFC 1759)
  • Federal Networking Council (RFC 1816)
  • Fong-Ching Liaw (RFC 1755)
  • Francis Dupont (RFC 1846)
  • Fung Fung Lee (RFC 1843)
  • Gene Cox (RFC 1795)
  • G. Paul Ziemba (RFC 1858)
  • Gregory M. Vaudreuil (RFC 1830)
  • Hadmut Danisch (RFC 1824)
  • Henry Clark (RFC 1856)
  • Internet Engineering Steering Group (RFC 1881)
  • Jean-Michel Jouanigot (RFC 1786)
  • Jeff Hilgeman (RFC 1747)
  • Jessica Yu (RFC 1786)
  • Jian Ding (RFC 1842)
  • Jian Q. Li (RFC 1842)
  • Jim Galvin (RFC 1847)
  • Joel Gyllenskog (RFC 1759)
  • Joelle Bafile Chapman (RFC 1841)
  • Joe Touch (RFC 1810)
  • John Romkey (RFC 1862)
  • John W. Lowe (RFC 1822)
  • Karen Frisa (RFC 1742)
  • Ken Weiss (RFC 1834)
  • Kevin Rowett (RFC 1841)
  • Laurent Joncheray (RFC 1786)
  • Lou Berger (RFC 1819)
  • Luca Delgrossi (RFC 1819)
  • Marina del Rey (RFC 1797)
  • Marten Terpstra (RFC 1786)
  • Maryann Maher (RFC 1755)
  • Michael H. Lambert (RFC 1857)
  • Nils Harald Berge (RFC 1875)
  • Perry Metzger (RFC 1828)
  • Peter Staubach (RFC 1813)
  • Peter Yee (RFC 1803)
  • Phil Karn (RFC 1829)
  • P. V. Rajeev (RFC 1804)
  • Raj Srinivasan (RFC 1831)
  • Rebecca Lasher (RFC 1807)
  • Rens Troost (RFC 1806)
  • Rickard Schoultz (RFC 1835)
  • Robert E. Gilligan (RFC 1761)
  • Ronald L. Smith (RFC 1759)
  • Roy T. Fielding (RFC 1808)
  • Sally Hambridge (RFC 1855)
  • Sandra Murphy (RFC 1848)
  • Sandy Murphy (RFC 1847)
  • Shannon Nix (RFC 1795)
  • Sibylle Schaller (RFC 1819)
  • Stephen G. Batsell (RFC 1821)
  • Stephen Zilles (RFC 1759)
  • Steve Cobb (RFC 1877)
  • Steve Jackowski (RFC 1819)
  • Steve Klein (RFC 1795)
  • Susan Thomson (RFC 1886)
  • S. V. Raghavan (RFC 1804)
  • Sylvain Langlois (RFC 1802)
  • Tae Sung (RFC 1791)
  • Thomas N. Hastings (RFC 1759)
  • Thomas P. Brisco (RFC 1794)
  • Timo J. Rinne (RFC 1756)
  • Ton Verschuren (RFC 1862)
  • Tony Bates (RFC 1786)
  • Troy Pummill (RFC 1878)
  • Wayne Clark (RFC 1795)
  • Ya-Gui Wei (RFC 1842)
  • Yanick Pouffary (RFC 1859)
  • Yuan Jiang (RFC 1842)
  • Yun Fei Zhang (RFC 1842)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-26.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.