IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 1994

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Aditya Sehgal (RFC 1592)
  • Alan Emtage (RFC 1635)
  • Alf Hansen (RFC 1649)
  • Allan Cargille (RFC 1648)
  • Anthony Daniel (RFC 1697)
  • Antonia Ghiselli (RFC 1676)
  • Artur Romao (RFC 1713)
  • Bill Kelly (RFC 1647)
  • Bob Day (RFC 1613)
  • Bob Purvy (RFC 1697)
  • Brewster Kahle (RFC 1625)
  • Brian Carpenter (RFC 1671)
  • Brian Lloyd (RFC 1717)
  • Cathy J. Wittbrodt (RFC 1574)
  • Celeste Anderson (RFC 1588)
  • Chris Adie (RFC 1614)
  • Christina Brazdziunas (RFC 1680)
  • Cleve Graves (RFC 1646)
  • Clifford Lynch (RFC 1729)
  • Craig Farrell (RFC 1712)
  • Cristina Vistoli (RFC 1676)
  • Dan Green (RFC 1679)
  • Daniel Baldoni (RFC 1712)
  • Daniel Karrenberg (RFC 1597)
  • Daniel L. McDonald (RFC 1751)
  • Dan R. Gowin (RFC 1708)
  • Dave Carr (RFC 1717)
  • Dave Marlow (RFC 1679)
  • Dave Rand (RFC 1663)
  • David Brower (RFC 1697)
  • Davide Salomoni (RFC 1676)
  • David Goldsmith (RFC 1641)
  • David L. Wasley (RFC 1709)
  • Deirdre Kostick (RFC 1666)
  • Denise Heagerty (RFC 1670)
  • Dino Farinacci (RFC 1701)
  • Domenic Ficarella (RFC 1705)
  • Don Perkins (RFC 1746)
  • EARN Staff (RFC 1580)
  • Edward Britton (RFC 1678)
  • Eliot Lear (RFC 1627)
  • Eric Fleischman (RFC 1687)
  • Erik Fair (RFC 1740)
  • Francois Schiettecatte (RFC 1625)
  • Gary C. Kessler (RFC 1739)
  • Geert Jan de Groot (RFC 1597)
  • Geoff Huston (RFC 1690)
  • Gerry Meyer (RFC 1581)
  • Gilbert Glick (RFC 1613)
  • Glenn Mansfield (RFC 1567)
  • Glen Waters (RFC 1592)
  • Harry Morris (RFC 1625)
  • James R. Forster (RFC 1613)
  • Jay Smith (RFC 1697)
  • Jeffrey I. Schiller (RFC 1750)
  • Jennifer Sellers (RFC 1578)
  • Jia-bing R. Cheng (RFC 1593)
  • Jill Foster (RFC 1689)
  • Jim Barnes (RFC 1696)
  • Jim Bound (RFC 1682)
  • Jim Craigie (RFC 1615)
  • Jim Fullton (RFC 1625)
  • J. Mark Pullen (RFC 1667)
  • Joan Gargano (RFC 1709)
  • John A. Kunze (RFC 1625)
  • John Chu (RFC 1657)
  • John Myers (RFC 1731)
  • John Tavs (RFC 1678)
  • Jonathan Goldman (RFC 1625)
  • Jon Penner (RFC 1576)
  • Karen ODonoghue (RFC 1679)
  • Keith Sklower (RFC 1717)
  • Kenneth L. Calvert (RFC 1683)
  • Kevin Gamiel (RFC 1625)
  • Kim Curran (RFC 1592)
  • Kitty Shih (RFC 1666)
  • Kjeld Borch Egevang (RFC 1631)
  • Larry Masinter (RFC 1737)
  • Les Brown (RFC 1696)
  • Manoel A. Rodrigues (RFC 1586)
  • Marc Sinykin (RFC 1697)
  • Margaret St. Pierre (RFC 1625)
  • Mario P. Vecchi (RFC 1686)
  • Mark Davis (RFC 1641)
  • Mark Knopper (RFC 1609)
  • Mark Kosters (RFC 1608)
  • Mark Laubach (RFC 1577)
  • Mark S. Taylor (RFC 1674)
  • Masuma Ahmed (RFC 1695)
  • Michael McGovern (RFC 1707)
  • Michelle Angel (RFC 1646)
  • Mike Schulze (RFC 1712)
  • Mostafa H. Ammar (RFC 1683)
  • Neil Haller (RFC 1704)
  • Nevil Brownlee (RFC 1672)
  • Noel Chiappa (RFC 1753)
  • Osmund S. deSouza (RFC 1586)
  • Patrik Faltstrom (RFC 1740)
  • Paul D. Amer (RFC 1693)
  • Paul Francis (RFC 1621)
  • Paul Traina (RFC 1656)
  • Peter Cameron (RFC 1692)
  • Peter Furniss (RFC 1698)
  • Peter Jurg (RFC 1684)
  • Phil Irey (RFC 1679)
  • Phill Conrad (RFC 1693)
  • R. Allen Gwinn (RFC 1568)
  • Ramesh Govindan (RFC 1735)
  • Ran Atkinson (RFC 1704)
  • Randall Atkinson (RFC 1626)
  • R. Brian Adamson (RFC 1677)
  • Richard Carlson (RFC 1705)
  • Rich Bowen (RFC 1638)
  • Rick Royston (RFC 1696)
  • Rob Austein (RFC 1611)
  • Robert Hagens (RFC 1649)
  • Robert Moskowitz (RFC 1597)
  • Roland Hedberg (RFC 1564)
  • Ron Skelton (RFC 1673)
  • Russell J. Clark (RFC 1683)
  • Scott Pleitner (RFC 1712)
  • Scott Shenker (RFC 1633)
  • Srinivas R. Sataluri (RFC 1608)
  • Stan Hanks (RFC 1701)
  • Steven D. Shepard (RFC 1739)
  • Steven M. Bellovin (RFC 1675)
  • Susan Symington (RFC 1667)
  • The IETF Secretariat (RFC 1718)
  • Thomas Butts (RFC 1646)
  • Thomas Johannsen (RFC 1608)
  • Thomas Kessler (RFC 1627)
  • Thomas Lenggenhager (RFC 1617)
  • Tim Berners-Lee (RFC 1738)
  • Tom Connolly (RFC 1693)
  • Tracy A. Brown (RFC 1694)
  • William F. McKenzie (RFC 1593)
  • William Shakespeare (RFC 1605)
  • William Turner (RFC 1691)
  • Zbigniew Kielczewski (RFC 1666)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-26.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.