IETF Statistics

New Authors in Year 1991

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

New authors

  • Allen Sturtevant (RFC 1244)
  • Allison Mankin (RFC 1254)
  • Anil Rijsinghani (RFC 1286)
  • Barbara Fraser (RFC 1244)
  • Bert Wijnen (RFC 1228)
  • Bob Scheifler (RFC 1198)
  • Brian Kantor (RFC 1282)
  • Brian Randell (RFC 1210)
  • Bryan Beecher (RFC 1249)
  • Chikong Shue (RFC 1240)
  • Christopher P. Kolb (RFC 1232)
  • Claudia Jeanne Kale (RFC 1180)
  • Cyndi Mills (RFC 1272)
  • Daniel C. Lynch (RFC 1208)
  • Dan Long (RFC 1244)
  • Dave Curry (RFC 1244)
  • Dave Piscitello (RFC 1209)
  • David Lee (RFC 1204)
  • Donald Hirsh (RFC 1272)
  • Don Provan (RFC 1201)
  • Ella Gardner (RFC 1237)
  • Eric Decker (RFC 1286)
  • Frank Byrum (RFC 1244)
  • Frank Kastenholz (RFC 1270)
  • Fred Baker (RFC 1220)
  • Fred Ostapik (RFC 1244)
  • Geoffrey C. Carpenter (RFC 1228)
  • Gerald Q. Maguire (RFC 1235)
  • Gower Street (RFC 1277)
  • Greg Hollingsworth (RFC 1244)
  • Gregory Ruth (RFC 1272)
  • James Rice (RFC 1203)
  • Jeffrey Carpenter (RFC 1244)
  • Jerry Martin (RFC 1290)
  • Jim Duncan (RFC 1244)
  • Joel Halpern (RFC 1223)
  • John Burruss (RFC 1269)
  • John Cook (RFC 1284)
  • John Ioannidis (RFC 1235)
  • John Moy (RFC 1245)
  • Jon Saperia (RFC 1289)
  • Joseph Lawrence (RFC 1209)
  • J. Paul Holbrook (RFC 1244)
  • Kaj Tesink (RFC 1233)
  • K.K. Ramakrishnan (RFC 1254)
  • Kurt Dobbins (RFC 1240)
  • Larry Peterson (RFC 1263)
  • Leslie Nobile (RFC 1261)
  • Lou Steinberg (RFC 1224)
  • Luis F. Morales (RFC 1236)
  • Lyman A. Chapin (RFC 1287)
  • Mark Smith (RFC 1249)
  • Michael F. Schwartz (RFC 1273)
  • Mitchell Kapor (RFC 1259)
  • North American Directory Forum (RFC 1218)
  • Ole Jacobsen (RFC 1208)
  • Paul Barker (RFC 1274)
  • Paul Chmielewski (RFC 1205)
  • Paul Langille (RFC 1286)
  • Paul Tsuchiya (RFC 1219)
  • Peter Kirstein (RFC 1210)
  • Phill Gross (RFC 1268)
  • Phillip R. Hasse (RFC 1236)
  • Poorer Richard (RFC 1216)
  • Prof. Kynikos (RFC 1216)
  • Richard Colella (RFC 1237)
  • Richard D. Pethia (RFC 1281)
  • Rob Coltun (RFC 1252)
  • Robert A. Woodburn (RFC 1241)
  • Robert B. Fougner (RFC 1170)
  • Russell Hobby (RFC 1287)
  • Scott Bradner (RFC 1242)
  • Scott Williamson (RFC 1261)
  • Sean Kirkpatrick (RFC 1244)
  • Sean OMalley (RFC 1263)
  • Shannon Yeh (RFC 1204)
  • Stephen David Crocker (RFC 1281)
  • Stephen Kent (RFC 1108)
  • Steven Waldbusser (RFC 1243)
  • Steven Willis (RFC 1269)
  • Theodore John Socolofsky (RFC 1180)
  • Tim Howes (RFC 1249)
  • Tom Longstaff (RFC 1244)
  • Tracy A. Cox (RFC 1233)
  • Vikas Aggarwal (RFC 1291)
  • William Haggerty (RFC 1240)
  • Winston Edmond (RFC 1221)
  • Data Freshness and Source

    This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-15.

    All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

    Data Accuracy and Privacy

    The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

    Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.