New authors
Abhay Bhushan (RFC 69)
A. G. Nemeth (RFC 43)
A. Landsberg (RFC 44)
A. Shoshani (RFC 44)
Bill English (RFC 34)
Bob Flegel (RFC 56)
Bob Kahn (RFC 29)
Dave Black (RFC 56)
Dave Walden (RFC 62)
Ed Belove (RFC 56)
Edwin Edwin Meyer Jr. (RFC 46)
Edwin W. Meyer Jr. (RFC 49)
E. Harslen (RFC 50)
E. I. Ancona (RFC 42)
Eric Harslem (RFC 80)
George H. Mealy (RFC 91)
G. Grossman (RFC 76)
James E. White (RFC 74)
J. Bouknight (RFC 81)
Jeanne North (RFC 84)
Jerry Cole (RFC 32)
Jim Madden (RFC 76)
J. Newkirk (RFC 55)
John Heafner (RFC 50)
John Melvin (RFC 41)
John Newkirk (RFC 54)
Jon Postel (RFC 45)
Lamar G. Farquar (RFC 56)
M. Elie (RFC 68)
Mike Kraley (RFC 54)
M. Kraley (RFC 55)
Richard Kalin (RFC 60)
R. Long (RFC 44)
Robert Anderson (RFC 83)
Robert Bressler (RFC 72)
S.David Crocker (RFC 66)
Stephen M. Wolfe (RFC 38)
Tjaart Schipper (RFC 71)
T. P. Skinner (RFC 58)
W. Crowther (RFC 67)
Data Freshness and Source
This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats
on 2024-08-11. All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF.
The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.
Data Accuracy and Privacy
The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.
Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF.
However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate.
Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to
jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer.
Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats.
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