IETF Statistics

Publication rate per year

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”

Yearly Statistics



  • 1 RFCs in 1968.
  • 24 RFCs in 1969.
  • 56 RFCs in 1970.
  • 175 RFCs in 1971.
  • 128 RFCs in 1972.
  • 156 RFCs in 1973.
  • 61 RFCs in 1974.
  • 24 RFCs in 1975.
  • 12 RFCs in 1976.
  • 19 RFCs in 1977.
  • 8 RFCs in 1978.
  • 7 RFCs in 1979.
  • 17 RFCs in 1980.
  • 27 RFCs in 1981.
  • 36 RFCs in 1982.
  • 48 RFCs in 1983.
  • 36 RFCs in 1984.
  • 10 RFCs in 1985.
  • 34 RFCs in 1987.
  • 42 RFCs in 1988.
  • 46 RFCs in 1989.
  • 57 RFCs in 1990.
  • 95 RFCs in 1991.
  • 95 RFCs in 1992.
  • 175 RFCs in 1993.
  • 185 RFCs in 1994.
  • 131 RFCs in 1995.
  • 170 RFCs in 1996.
  • 192 RFCs in 1997.
  • 233 RFCs in 1998.
  • 259 RFCs in 1999.
  • 278 RFCs in 2000.
  • 193 RFCs in 2001.
  • 219 RFCs in 2002.
  • 234 RFCs in 2003.
  • 281 RFCs in 2004.
  • 327 RFCs in 2005.
  • 459 RFCs in 2006.
  • 320 RFCs in 2007.
  • 289 RFCs in 2008.
  • 285 RFCs in 2009.
  • 364 RFCs in 2010.
  • 390 RFCs in 2011.
  • 337 RFCs in 2012.
  • 276 RFCs in 2013.
  • 326 RFCs in 2014.
  • 300 RFCs in 2015.
  • 310 RFCs in 2016.
  • 263 RFCs in 2017.
  • 209 RFCs in 2018.
  • 179 RFCs in 2019.
  • 209 RFCs in 2020.
  • 240 RFCs in 2021.
  • 194 RFCs in 2022.
  • 86 RFCs in 2023.

Monthly Statistics


Data Freshness and Source

This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-08-11.

All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

Data Accuracy and Privacy

The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.