IETF Statistics

Distribution of Authors per Country

“Document Stats -- What is Going on in the IETF?”




  • 1145 authors (38.54%) come from USA.
  • 652 authors (21.95%) come from European Union.
  • 268 authors (9.02%) come from China.
  • 95 authors (3.20%) come from United Kingdom.
  • 77 authors (2.59%) come from Japan.
  • 58 authors (1.95%) come from India.
  • 54 authors (1.82%) come from Canada.
  • 34 authors (1.14%) come from Russia.
  • 32 authors (1.08%) come from Australia.
  • 29 authors (0.98%) come from Switzerland.
  • 27 authors (0.91%) come from Israel.
  • 19 authors (0.64%) come from South Korea.
  • 18 authors (0.61%) come from Norway.
  • 6 authors (0.20%) come from Brazil.
  • 6 authors (0.20%) come from Argentina.
  • 5 authors (0.17%) come from British Indian O. Terr. (Bogdanovic, Cestari, Wouters, Kraus, Murillo).
  • 5 authors (0.17%) come from South Africa (Tinka, Maddison, Johnson, Rey-Moreno, Pillay).
  • 4 authors (0.13%) come from Singapore (Chua, Dobbins, Ma, Dolganow).
  • 3 authors (0.10%) come from New Zealand (Gutmann, Brownlee, Carpenter).
  • 3 authors (0.10%) come from Chile (Dujovne, Cespedes, Bradley).
  • 3 authors (0.10%) come from Mexico (Servin, Martinez, Popper).
  • 3 authors (0.10%) come from Mauritius (Velvindron, Shaw, Moonesamy).
  • 3 authors (0.10%) come from Romania (Georgescu, Pislaru, Raiciu).
  • 2 authors (0.07%) come from Turkey (Yegin, Begen).
  • 2 authors (0.07%) come from Hong Kong (Wang, Papadopoulos).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from St. Tome And Principe (Frost).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Antigua And Barbuda (Lodderstedt).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Croatia (Biondic).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Serbia And Montenegro (Milojevic).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Samoa (Weiss).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Thailand (Zorn).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Morocco (Benamar).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from United Arab Emirates (Badra).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Andorra (groups).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Cocos (keeling) Isl. (Niedermayer).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Christmas Island (Mitchell).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from St. Lucia (Lopez).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Lebanon (Salam).
  • 1 authors (0.03%) come from Niue (Andersson).
  • unknown author location for 404 authors (13.60%).

Location data is calculated from the first occurrence of an author.

Data Freshness and Source

This is a part of a statistics report generated by authorstats on 2024-07-15.

All data in this report is retrieved from public sources, such as publications published at the IETF. The tool and the report are independent of the IETF, however.

Data Accuracy and Privacy

The data or the report may contain inaccuracies.

Note that we do not hold any per-person information beyond what is visible in publicly submitted documents at the IETF. However, if this information is about you, we do appreciate corrections which we will try to incorporate. Similarly, we would be happy to remove your information if you so desire. In either case, send mail to jari.arkko(at) to contact the developer. Please use a subject line that includes the word authorstats. Our privacy policy can be found in here.