Nature Pictures

The unlucky squirrel

Photo: J. Arkko

Here's a hairy shot from the Koln Zoo.

Photo: J. Arkko

Some animals are easy to find in Zoos, but it's always a thrill to find them in their natural environment. Here's a shot taken in March 2000 in Australia. Just seconds before I almost run into one Emu when it was crossing the road.

Photo: J. Arkko

Here's another similar shot - can you spot the animal? The picture was taken near Mount Arapiles. I had spent almost a half day trying to track these animals in the forest.

Photo: J. Arkko

Later the same kangaroo came closer.

Photo: J. Arkko

On the Pasific coastline between Santa Barbara and San Francisco, you can spot some sea lions:

Photo: J. Arkko

Sometimes the natural inhabitants are getting used to humans. This squirrel checked out my backpack near Half Dome in Yosemite.

Photo: J. Arkko

But back to the zoos. Adelaide, Australia has a zoo where the visitors can walk among and feed the kangaroos and emus.

Photo: J. Arkko. Person: Unknown

See also other Jari's pictures.

Created January 11, 1998.
Last modified January 26, 2001 by Jari Arkko