The unlucky squirrel
Here's a hairy shot from the Koln Zoo.
Some animals are easy to find in Zoos, but it's always a thrill
to find them in their natural environment. Here's a shot taken in March
2000 in Australia. Just seconds before I almost run into one Emu when
it was crossing the road.
Here's another similar shot - can you spot the animal? The picture
was taken near Mount Arapiles. I had spent almost a half day trying to
track these animals in the forest.
Later the same kangaroo came closer.
On the Pasific coastline between Santa Barbara and San Francisco,
you can spot some sea lions:
Sometimes the natural inhabitants are getting used to humans. This
squirrel checked out my backpack near Half Dome in Yosemite.
But back to the zoos. Adelaide, Australia has a zoo where the visitors
can walk among and feed the kangaroos and emus.
See also other Jari's pictures.