Linksys WVC54GC Linux How-To
Do the following to use the Linksys WVC54GC in Linux:
- Plug the camera to Ethernet interface of your computer
(temporarily disabling any other Internet use, if you were
using your Ethernet). Set the IP address of your computer
on this interface to The camera should
be either at or 192.168.103.
- Point your browser to the camera's IP address. Enter
"admin" and "admin", and go to administrator interface.
- Configure the network, wireless, and image settings, and
change your password. You will most likely need a static IP
for your camera.
- Download Linux VLC
software, e.g., in Ubuntu do this as root: apt-get install vlc.
- As explained in the linksys
open your camera URL in the File->Open Network menu, and type
in the HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/MMS box where "camera1" is the IP address
of your camera assigned in the third item above.
- Passwords for individual users can be set via the "Users" menu in
the admin web interface of the camera. If you add a user "joe" with
password "pass", then
the URL for VLC looks like this:
$ vlc http://joe:pass@camera1/img/video.asf
- If your network has a NAT or a firewall, and you wish to be able
to connect to the camera from the outside, there are several ways to
arrange this. One is to tweak the NAT policies so that a particular
port is redirected to port 80 on the camera. In my case I wanted to
have an additional layer of security, so I used SSH tunneling. First,
I did this in the server:
ssh -o KeepAlive=yes -N -f -L 5000:camera1:80 user@router
Where "5000" is a randomly picked port number, "camera1" is the IP address of the
camera in the internal network, "user" is the SSH user name at the NAT/router box "router".
And then I invoked VLC using a command like this:
vlc http://joe:pass@localhost:5000/img/video.asf
Where "joe" and "pass" are again the username and password for the
- File storage can be arranged via vlc as well.
Give the --sout option
as shown here:
$ vlc http://camera1/img/video.asf --sout file/ps:test.mpg
Frequently Asked Questions:
Created May 25, 2007.
Last modified January 22nd, 2008 by Jari Arkko